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KK88 - Three Socket Angle Tee
Material/Finish: Galvanized Steel

Used to join the top rail to an intermediate upright on a guardrail on a slope from 0° to 11°. As there are two socket set screws in the sleeve, this fitting can be used to join two ends of rail.
Part Weight A D E
88-7 2.24 lbs. 7 2.36 in. 5.67 in.
88-8 2.24 lbs. 8 2.68 in. 6.22 in.

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Material/Finish Pipe Size SKU Description Price Qty Unit
Galvanized Steel
KK88 - Three Socket Angle Tee

Galvanized Steel

[KK88-7] KK88 - Three Socket Angle Tee (1-1/4" IPS)

KK88 - Three Socket Angle Tee

1-1/4" IPS


Ships within 24-48 hours, Local pickup available Spec Sheet PDF image




1-1/4" IPS KK88-7 Ships within 24-48 hours, Local pickup available [KK88-7] KK88 - Three Socket Angle Tee (1-1/4" IPS) Spec Sheet PDF image




KK88 - Three Socket Angle Tee

Galvanized Steel

[KK88-8] KK88 - Three Socket Angle Tee (1-1/2" IPS)

KK88 - Three Socket Angle Tee

1-1/2" IPS


Ships within 24-48 hours, Local pickup available Spec Sheet PDF image




1-1/2" IPS KK88-8 Ships within 24-48 hours, Local pickup available [KK88-8] KK88 - Three Socket Angle Tee (1-1/2" IPS) Spec Sheet PDF image




Used to join the top rail to an intermediate upright on a guardrail on a slope from 0° to 11°. As there are two socket set screws in the sleeve, this fitting can be used to join two ends of rail.
Part Weight A D E
88-7 2.24 lbs. 7 2.36 in. 5.67 in.
88-8 2.24 lbs. 8 2.68 in. 6.22 in.