Outdoor Spiral Staircases for Your Home

Posted On 13th June 2024

Spiral staircases are not an afterthought in architectural design limited to Victorian libraries alone. Forget the dusty library trope – spiral stairs outdoors are having a moment! From their ancient roots (the first one graced Trajan's Column in Rome way back in 113 AD!), these architectural marvels have always been a symbol of innovation and design.

But did you realize exterior stairs can transform your outdoor space, too?

Modern outdoor spiral staircases are the ideal way to add a wow element to your backyard or garden. They are remarkably space-efficient, making them fit for both sizable gardens as well as small yards. And don't worry about how they will stand thunderstorms or scorching heat on bright sunny days; their weather-resistant materials assist in withstanding weather conditions while enhancing the beauty and utility of your outdoor haven.

Let's explore the benefits and uses of outdoor staircases more!

Outdoor Spiral Staircases for Your Home

Common Uses for Outdoor Spiral Staircases

Here are some ways these types of staircases prove to be useful:

  • Deck Access: Been thinking about having a beautiful rooftop but don't have sufficient space for a typical staircase? Don't worry, outdoor spiral stairs can be your best bet. Its size makes it convenient to install in compact spaces and connect different areas of your home.

  • Stylish Fire Escape: Spiral staircases are not just fit for making your deck accessible. If you are bored with your typical and clunky fire escape, install a spiral fire escape to add that missing touch of sophistication to your home's exterior while also adhering to safety protocols.

  • Treehouse: Everyone has dreamt at least once about a dreamy treehouse as a child. Those childhood dreams can come to life with a spiral staircase leading up to a dreamy treehouse. It is not only functional but adds a creative touch that can satisfy your fancy as well as that of the children around you.

  • Connecting Multiple-Level Terraces: It is completely okay if that split-level terrace design felt like the answer to all your questions back when you were home hunting, but now you feel it looks disconnected. Well, a spiral staircase outdoors can be the perfect choice for you to seamlessly connect the different terraces and keep your worries at bay.

Benefits of an Outdoor Spiral Staircase


Not everyone has expansive lush gardens to work with, but the spiral staircase wrap-around form enables every homeowner to have the stylish stairs they desire without having to buy an extra acre. Thanks to the centre alignment of all its steps.

Increased Home Value

Spiral stair kits increase in value just like anything else that becomes fashionable. When you put your house up for sale, you can attract more buyers and raise its market value by making it stand out and have an attractive appearance.

Innovative Location Ideas

Spiral staircases can help you take different paths to various regions of your home, especially access to those far-off external spaces like common gardens. A spiral staircase can also make for a chic focal point for your living area when it links multiple floors of the house.


Most people may think that outdoor spiral staircase prices are the same as regular staircases or even more. It might surprise you that it is a more affordable option. Spiral staircase installation is simpler, requiring just four to eight hours on average, and is less expensive than other options.

Enhances the Home Aesthetics

The pleasing appearance of spiral staircases is primarily why homeowners install them. Whatever your plan is, the different design options, styles, and sizes available can help you materialize it. Most people go for wood treads to enhance the beauty of their houses with a classic touch.

Durability with Low Maintenance

When choosing an outdoor staircase, weather resistance is key. Powder-coated finishes offer superior protection against rust, corrosion, and UV rays, meaning your stairs will look great for years to come with minimal maintenance.

Choosing a Staircase for your Outdoor Area

Here's a guide to help you select the perfect outdoor curved staircase:

Access Needs

What is the primary use of your staircase? Do you want it for a rooftop deck, fire escape, treehouse, or for connecting different levels of the terrace? Knowing the purpose will help in decision-making.

Think about the Foot Traffic

Factor in the anticipated foot traffic on the staircase. High-traffic areas will necessitate a wider diameter staircase. However, if you're looking for a space-saving solution, explore small-footprint options like spiral staircases or certain L-shaped designs.

Consider Durability

Given that it is an outdoor stairway, durability is required. Because they are sturdy and weatherproof, steel and aluminum spiral stairs are well-liked options for outdoor use.

Consider your Maintenance Budget

Consider your budget for maintenance. Most outdoor circular staircases are relatively low-maintenance, but some materials may require more frequent cleaning and repainting.

Check Sizing

Keep available space and needs in mind when choosing the appropriate staircase. Large-diameter staircases offer comfortable climbing, while small-diameter ones save more space.

Aluminum, Wooden, or Metal Spiral Staircase for Outdoor Area

With a wide range of high-quality materials available in the market, making the right choice for a spiral stair kit can get overwhelming. Here are some popular options. It is better to have an understanding of different stair parts before choosing the right railing system.


Aluminum stair stringers are lightweight, rust-resistant, and relatively low maintenance People in North America might argue that an aluminum spiral staircase is more affordable and easier to clean, though not as strong as steel spiral stair. The only drawback is that it can't handle vibrations like steel and is more likely to bend over time.


The high-quality strength of steel makes it an ideal structural building material, including outdoor metal spiral staircases. It requires more weatherproofing to prevent rust than aluminum but metal stairs offer homeowners unparalleled flexibility with its compact design.


Wood spiral outdoor stairs do add a touch of style to your backyard or garden, but they are not best suited for outdoor options in areas with routine thunderstorms. They are great options for consuming limited spaces and making them aesthetic.


Wait no longer. Now that you know how a spiral staircase can provide an elegant and useful method to connect your various outdoor levels, whether you're dreaming of a treehouse escape or just want to connect spaces visually, give your outdoor area that magical touch and increase its functionality.

Remember to consider your needs, the available space, and the overall look you want to create when selecting your staircase. Have fun with the decor!